Our mineral rights terminology guide

For those first diving into the world of mineral management, they may find themselves lost in a maze of jargon. But with the help of the right mineral management terminology guide, and with time and experience, you too can grow from a novice to an expert, capable of navigating this complex landscape. Now, as a leading mineral management company, we’ve crafted this terminology guide to pass on this knowledge.

The basics of mineral ownership

Mineral rights: Owning land doesn’t necessarily mean you own what’s beneath it. We have had several instances where prospective clients believed they owned the minerals beneath their property. However, upon closer inspection, it was discovered that they only had surface rights. Understanding the difference is crucial. Surface rights concern the surface of the land, while mineral rights pertain to the resources underneath.

Royalties: Royalties are like the golden ticket of mineral management. When clients receive their first royalty check, the excitement is palpable. Think of royalties as your share of the production revenue. They differ from rent or bonuses, which are often one-time payments or periodic incentives.

Working interest: We have had several clients dive headfirst into mineral management without consulting a mineral management company first. They were shocked when they had to contribute to the well’s operational costs. As a working interest owner, you share in the expenses but also the potential profits of oil and gas production.

The leasing process

Lease agreement: This binding contract determines how minerals are explored and produced. Just like when you rent an apartment or build space, terms and conditions apply. Always read it thoroughly!

Bonus payment: This is akin to a signing bonus. It’s a one-time upfront payment given when the lease is signed.

Primary term vs. secondary term: Think of these as the “lease life stages.” The primary term is the initial lease period, while the secondary term extends as long as there’s production.

Shut-in royalties: A client once referred to these as “rain checks.” If a well is temporarily non-producing, shut-in royalties help keep the lease alive.

Key terminologies in drilling and production

Spud date: The day drilling begins. It’s akin to the first step of a marathon, marking the beginning of a potentially fruitful journey.

Pooling: Imagine neighbors coming together for a community garden. Pooling combines small tracts for efficient production, ensuring everyone gets their fair share.

Unitization: This is pooling’s big brother. It involves combining large tracts, sometimes entire reservoirs, to maximize production. When our client’s land is unitized with others, they benefit from a much more efficient operation.

Net Revenue Interest (NRI): This percentage determines your share of the profits. This is something clients very quickly learn to recognize to be extremely important. The importance of accurate NRI calculations – even a small decimal point difference can amount to thousands over time!

Managing production revenues and costs

Division order: The division order is every mineral owner’s roadmap to understanding payments. It ensures everyone gets paid their rightful share.

Depletion: This is a tax perk, allowing mineral owners to account for the reduced quantity of minerals. Like depreciation for assets, it’s a way to offset production income.

Joint Operating Agreement (JOA): When several parties co-own a producing property, this agreement lays out responsibilities.

The environmental and safety lingo

Reclamation: After production, land can be in need of maintenance and enhancements. Reclamation ensures sites are restored. We have seen firsthand barren lands turned into green fields, all thanks to rigorous reclamation efforts.

Plugging and Abandonment (P&A): When a well’s life ends, it’s sealed and abandoned safely. It’s the final goodbye, ensuring no environmental hazards remain.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Before drilling, companies assess potential environmental impacts.

Navigating legal and compliance jargon

Held by Production (HBP): If a property produces minerals, the lease remains active. We often compare HBP to a light bulb – as long as it’s shining, the energy (or production) continues.

Severance taxes: These are state taxes on produced minerals. They are similar to that of paying dues – a little share to support state initiatives.

Force majeure: This clause in contracts accounts for unexpected disruptions, such as unforeseen drilling delays due to a natural disaster.

The mineral management journey, with its intricate jargon, can seem daunting. But with our mineral management terminology guide, and equipped with understanding, you’re not just an owner; you’re an informed stakeholder. Lean on experts, ask questions, and always stay curious.

Still have questions? Contact our team today!

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

Testate succession vs. intestate succession

Leaving mineral rights to your beneficiaries can be incredibly complicated. The right mineral management partner can make all the difference.

The passing of a loved one is an inevitable part of life, and it often comes with the complex process of distributing their assets among beneficiaries. When a person passes, the manner in which their property and possessions are transferred depends on whether they have left behind a valid will or not. In legal terms, this process is known as succession, and it can significantly impact mineral and landowners’ assets. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between Testate and Intestate succession and delve into their effects on mineral assets.

Testate Succession

Testate succession occurs when a deceased individual has a valid will in place at the time of their death. The will is a legal document that specifies the deceased’s wishes regarding the distribution of their assets among beneficiaries. It outlines who will inherit what portion of the estate, including real property like land and mineral rights. If you to ensure your beneficiaries get your mineral assets, a valid will is the best first step in succession planning.

Impact on Mineral Owners’ Assets:

a. Clear Distribution of Assets: With a valid will, the deceased’s intentions are explicitly stated, leaving no ambiguity regarding the distribution of their mineral assets. This clarity minimizes potential conflicts and disputes among the beneficiaries.

b. Preservation of Ownership Intentions: A will allows the deceased to appoint an executor who ensures that the property is distributed according to their wishes. This ensures that the mineral and land assets remain within the family or go to specific individuals or entities as intended by the deceased.

c. Tax Efficiency: A well-structured will can incorporate estate planning strategies to minimize tax liabilities on the mineral and land assets, preserving more of the estate for the beneficiaries.

Intestate Succession

Intestate succession, on the other hand, occurs when an individual dies without leaving a valid will or when the will is deemed invalid by the court. In such cases, the state’s laws of intestacy govern the distribution of assets, including mineral rights.

Impact on Mineral Owners’ Assets:

a. Distribution by Statute: Intestate succession follows predefined laws of the state, which may not align with the deceased’s wishes. As a result, the mineral and land assets may pass to heirs based on a predetermined hierarchy, potentially leading to unintended beneficiaries.

b. Probate Process: In intestate cases, the probate process can be more time-consuming and expensive, as the court must identify and authenticate heirs before distributing the assets. This can lead to delays in transferring ownership, which could affect the management and utilization of the mineral and land resources.

c. Potential for Disputes: Without a clear directive from a will, there is a higher likelihood of disputes arising among potential beneficiaries, leading to prolonged legal battles over the ownership and distribution of the mineral and land assets.


In conclusion, the difference between Testate and Intestate succession lies in the presence or absence of a valid will. Testate succession allows for a smoother transfer of mineral and land assets, as the deceased’s wishes are clearly documented and carried out by an appointed executor. In contrast, Intestate succession can create uncertainty, delays, and potential disputes among heirs, affecting the efficient distribution and management of mineral and land assets. It is essential for mineral and landowners to engage in estate planning to ensure their wishes are respected, and they effectively pass on their mineral rights to thee next generation.

Allowing an expert to work as your partner on your estate or trust takes the work and worry off of your and your inheritor’s hands while still safeguarding your asset rights. For your peace of mind in managing and securing your mineral rights, get in touch with one of our experts today.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

The difference in allocation vs vertical wells

Understanding the differences and percentage variations

The energy industry has many complex aspects, and when it comes to drilling techniques, understanding the difference between an allocation well and a vertical well can be critical. These two types of wells represent different methodologies for extracting oil and gas, with specific applications, benefits, and drawbacks. The allocation percentages associated with these wells also differ, reflecting their distinct operational features.

Allocation Wells

An allocation well is a horizontal well that is drilled across multiple lease boundaries or units. These wells are designed to exploit a broader range of oil and gas deposits without the need to drill multiple vertical wells. Allocation wells are commonly used in unconventional reservoirs where a more complex approach is needed to tap into the resource efficiently.

Allocation Percentages in Allocation Wells

The percentages in allocation wells represent the division of production between different leases or units. These percentages are generally determined by the length of the horizontal well within each lease or unit boundary and might be negotiated by the involved parties. Allocation percentages must be carefully calculated and agreed upon to ensure fair distribution among the various leaseholders or interest owners.

Vertical Wells

A vertical well is drilled straight down into the earth, targeting a specific oil and gas reservoir. This traditional drilling method is typically used when the desired resource is located directly beneath the surface location of the well.

Allocation Percentages in Vertical Wells

In vertical wells, allocation percentages are typically straightforward, as the well is located within a single lease or unit. The revenue is then distributed according to the ownership interest in that specific lease or unit. The calculation here is usually more straightforward compared to an allocation well, where horizontal drilling may cross several boundaries.

Key Differences and Considerations

  1. Drilling Technique: While vertical wells go straight down, allocation wells use horizontal drilling to cross multiple boundaries.
  2. Efficiency: Allocation wells can cover larger areas and access reservoirs that might be challenging for vertical wells, often making them more efficient in unconventional plays.
  3. Complexity of Percentages: Allocation wells require careful calculation of percentages based on the well’s path through multiple leases or units. Vertical wells typically involve simpler percentage calculations.
  4. Regulatory Considerations: Allocation wells may involve more complex legal and regulatory requirements, as they cross different lease boundaries.
  5. Cost: Allocation wells are often more expensive to drill due to their complexity, but they may lead to increased production, justifying the additional investment.


Allocation and vertical wells are vital tools in the oil and gas industry, each with its own unique applications and complexities. The percentage calculations for these wells reflect their respective operational characteristics, with allocation wells necessitating more intricate distribution agreements.

Understanding these differences is essential for anyone involved in the energy industry, whether they’re an investor, operator, or mineral owner. Proper planning, collaboration, and adherence to regulatory guidelines are key to maximizing the benefits of both allocation and vertical wells while ensuring fair and transparent revenue distribution.

Contact Valor Today

Contact us today if you need support managing your oil and gas assets.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

Unraveling the Role of a Landman

Landman’s play a crucial role for mineral management companies

The oil and gas industry plays a pivotal role in powering our modern world, and at the heart of this industry is the unsung hero known as a “Landman.” These skilled professionals serve as key players in mineral management companies, facilitating the exploration and extraction of valuable resources buried deep within the Earth. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the multifaceted role of a Landman and shed light on their vital contributions to the dynamic world of mineral management.

1. Defining the Landman’s Role

A Landman, also referred to as a Land Manager or Land Specialist, is an essential figure within a mineral management company. Their primary responsibility is to negotiate and secure land and mineral rights on behalf of their clients. This can involve identifying potential areas for exploration, negotiating lease agreements with landowners, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

2. Research and Due Diligence

One of the fundamental tasks of a Landman is conducting extensive research and due diligence on the properties and mineral rights their clients intend to acquire or lease. This process involves investigating property records, historical deeds, title abstracts, and any existing agreements to verify ownership and any potential encumbrances. The Landman must ensure that the company has a clear and unambiguous title to the mineral rights before proceeding with any exploration or drilling activities.

3. Negotiation and Contracting

Landmen are skilled negotiators, adept at striking deals with landowners and mineral rights holders. They work closely with their clients (the mineral owners) to reach mutually beneficial agreements for mineral exploration or production rights. The resulting contracts must be meticulously drafted, addressing critical aspects such as royalties, payment terms, and surface use agreements.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the complex web of regulations and permitting requirements is another crucial aspect of a Landman’s role. They must stay up-to-date with local, state, and federal laws pertaining to mineral exploration and production. Compliance ensures that the operating company is within the bounds of the law and mitigates potential legal and financial risks associated with non-compliance.

5. Liaison and Communication

In the mineral management world, effective communication is vital. Landmen support their clients by facilitating communication with various stakeholders, including operators and other industry professionals. They convey information clearly and professionally, fostering positive relationships that are crucial to the success of the company’s operations.

6. Surface Use Agreements

Aside from securing and managing mineral rights, Landmen are often involved in negotiating surface use agreements if applicable to their clients.


In conclusion, Landmen play a pivotal role in the intricate world of mineral management companies. Their skills in negotiation, research, compliance, and communication are indispensable in securing the rights to valuable mineral resources. By diligently navigating the complexities of land and mineral rights, these unsung heroes enable the oil and gas industry to thrive while ensuring that landowners’ rights are respected. The contributions of Landmen may go unnoticed by the general public, but their impact on the industry is immeasurable, shaping the energy landscape for generations to come.

Oil & gas leases & their benefits for mineral owners

Mineral owners who sign oil and gas leases stand to gain numerous benefits. These individuals or entities own the rights to the underground resources on a piece of property. Here are some specific benefits these mineral owners can receive:

  1. Signing Bonus: Mineral owners often receive a signing bonus at the outset of a lease agreement. This upfront payment can be substantial, depending on the area’s potential for resource extraction and market conditions at the time of the lease signing.
  2. Royalty Payments: This is arguably the most significant benefit to mineral owners. As a part of the lease, the oil and gas company agrees to pay the owner a percentage (commonly between 12.5% and 25%) of the revenue generated from the extracted resources. These royalty payments can provide a significant and steady income stream for the owner over the life of the well.
  3. Property Value Appreciation: If the exploration and production activities are successful, the value of the land can significantly increase because of its proven reserves. This can lead to higher future lease payments and increased land value if the owner decides to sell the property.
  4. No Operational Responsibility: The mineral owner does not bear the operational burden or financial risk of the exploration and production process. The oil and gas company handles all aspects of operations, from exploration to rehabilitation, and bears all the associated risks.
  5. Free Natural Gas: In some cases, mineral owners can negotiate for free gas as a part of their lease agreement. This benefit allows the mineral owner to use a certain amount of the natural gas produced on their property for personal use, saving on energy costs.
  6. Economic Freedom: The financial benefits derived from oil and gas leases can provide mineral owners with economic freedom and security. The steady stream of income can be used to invest in other ventures, improve living conditions, and even fund community projects.
  7. Control over Lease Terms: While negotiating the lease, mineral owners can define specific terms to minimize potential disturbances, limit environmental impact, and define the extent of land use, providing them with a degree of control over their property.

Remember, while these benefits can be substantial, signing an oil and gas lease also comes with potential risks and drawbacks. It’s essential to thoroughly understand all the terms & clauses of the lease, and when possible, to consult with a legal or industry expert before signing an agreement.

Need an extra set of eyes? Contact us today.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

Oil & gas lease clauses

When entering an oil and gas lease agreement, it’s crucial that mineral owners protect their interests. Certain clauses may be included in the lease to safeguard the owner’s rights, ensure fair compensation, and limit potential damages to the property. Below we explain various clauses you may come across in an oil and gas lease:

  1. Royalty Clause: This clause outlines the percentage of production revenue that will be paid to the mineral owner. Make sure the percentage is clearly defined, and verify if it’s based on gross proceeds or net proceeds.
  2. Pugh Clause: A Pugh clause, also known as a “freestone rider,” separates the lease into separate tracts for the purpose of maintaining the lease. It can prevent the entire property from being tied up by a lease if only a portion of the land is producing or included in a drilling unit.
  3. Delay Rental Clause: This clause requires the lessee (usually an oil or gas company) to make payments to the lessor (the mineral owner) during the primary term of the lease, to keep the lease valid even if drilling or production has not begun.
  4. Shut-in Royalty Clause: This clause ensures that the mineral owner receives payment when a well is not producing, but could (and likely will) produce in the future. It’s often used when the well is temporarily closed, or “shut-in.”
  5. Habendum Clause: This clause defines the term of the lease. It usually includes a “primary term” of a few years, during which the oil and gas company must begin production, and a “secondary term” that continues as long as the land is producing oil or gas.
  6. Warranty Clause: This clause should be carefully examined or avoided. If it’s included, the mineral owner warrants they own the mineral rights and could be held liable if that turns out to be incorrect. It’s best not to warrant anything you’re not absolutely sure about.
  7. Damage Clause: This clause outlines how much the oil or gas company must pay if their operations damage the property. This can include damages to the surface of the land, water sources, livestock, crops, etc.
  8. Indemnity Clause: This clause ensures that the lessee will protect the lessor from any legal actions or liability arising from the activities of the lessee or their subcontractors. It safeguards the lessor from bearing any costs or damages related to the lessee’s operations.
  9. Environmental Protection Clause: This clause specifies that the oil and gas company will adhere to all relevant environmental laws and regulations. It can also include stipulations for the cleanup of environmental damage and restoration of the land after the lease ends.
  10. Depth Severance Clause: This clause will release specific formations or deep rights on lands covered by the lease back to you after the primary term of your oil and gas lease has expired.
  11. No Deductions Clause: This clause is supposed to prevent your lessee from deducting the costs they incur in transforming your share of the raw marketable materials they bring to the surface into marketable condition.
  12. Consent to assign language: Requires lessor to obtain consent from lessee prior to assignment of oil and gas lease to any third party.

Including these clauses in an oil and gas lease agreement can help protect the rights and interests of mineral owners. However, every situation is unique, and it’s always best to seek legal counsel or advice from industry experts before signing any lease agreement. Have questions? Contact Valor today!

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

Understanding Senate Bill 785 & Geothermal Energy

The state of Texas is renowned for its rich energy resources, whether it’s natural gas, oil, wind, or solar energy. However, a powerful source of renewable energy remains largely untapped: geothermal energy. This new frontier of energy production is gaining prominence, with Texas being at the helm of this shift, thanks to the recent enactment of Senate Bill 785. In this blog, our goal is to help you understand the ins and outs of Texas’s geothermal energy and the implications of Senate Bill 785.

Geothermal Energy: The Basics

Geothermal energy is heat derived from the Earth. It’s a clean, sustainable, and virtually inexhaustible source of energy. It is harnessed by capturing the steam and hot water that naturally arise from beneath the Earth’s surface. This energy can then be converted into electricity or used for heating and cooling buildings.

The significance of geothermal energy lies in its round-the-clock availability and independence from weather conditions. Unlike solar and wind energy, which depend on the sun shining or the wind blowing, geothermal energy is a constant and reliable source that can help provide a steady supply of electricity.

Texas and Geothermal Energy

Texas’s vast and diverse geology makes it an ideal state for geothermal energy development. The state possesses several hot spots deep underground, especially in the western part of the state. Harnessing this energy could revolutionize Texas’s energy landscape, offering an additional form of energy to the ever-abundant fossil fuels found in the state.

Understanding Senate Bill 785

On June 18, 2023, Senate Bill 785 came into effect, marking a significant step forward for Texas’s geothermal industry. This Bill aims to promote the exploration, development, and utilization of Texas’s geothermal resources. But what does this mean for Texans and the state’s energy landscape?

  1. Financial Incentives and Grants: The Bill establishes financial incentives and grants to spur investment in geothermal energy projects. These measures aim to encourage businesses and individuals to venture into this emerging industry, making it more accessible and financially appealing.
  2. Regulatory Framework: Senate Bill 785 establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for geothermal energy. This includes setting safety standards, determining the rights of landowners and operators, and outlining the responsibilities of the government and energy companies. This framework ensures that the industry operates in a safe and regulated manner that benefits everyone involved.
  3. Research and Development: The Bill highlights the importance of ongoing research and development in the field of geothermal energy. It commits resources to better understand and develop new technologies to harness geothermal energy more efficiently.
  4. Education and Public Awareness: Senate Bill 785 emphasizes the need for education and public awareness campaigns about geothermal energy. The goal is to inform Texans about the benefits and potential of this underexploited source of energy, encouraging a shift in public perception and fostering acceptance of this renewable energy source.


The enactment of Senate Bill 785 is a crucial development for the future of Texas’s energy industry. With its abundant geothermal resources, Texas has the potential to become a leader in the development and use of geothermal energy.

As Texans, the adoption of geothermal energy presents exciting opportunities for our economy, environment, and energy independence.

Do you have questions about geothermal energy or how this bill imapcts you? Contact us today!

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

What is the difference between offshoring and outsourcing?

The terms ‘offshoring’ and ‘outsourcing’ are commonly used in the business world and are particularly relevant to the oil and gas industry. They refer to strategies employed by operators to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and drive growth. However, the terms are often misunderstood or used interchangeably, which can lead to confusion. In this blog post, we delve into the core differences between offshoring and outsourcing, particularly in relation to operators in the oil and gas sector.

What is Offshoring?

Offshoring refers to the practice of moving a company’s business processes or services to a different country. This could involve opening a new branch of the company or utilizing existing facilities in a foreign country. The primary motivation behind offshoring is typically cost reduction. For oil and gas operators, offshoring might involve moving certain processes like data analysis, or even more significant operations such as exploration and drilling, to countries where the costs of labor, production, or raw materials are lower.

Offshoring can also provide access to untapped resources or advantageous geographies. For instance, an oil and gas operator might offshore drilling operations to a country with rich oil deposits. However, offshoring comes with its own set of challenges, including cultural differences, logistical complexities, and regulatory considerations.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing, on the other hand, involves contracting out certain business processes or services to a third-party company. This third party could be located domestically or internationally. In the oil and gas industry, operators often outsource functions like equipment maintenance, IT services, owner relations, payroll management, and oil and gas accounting to specialized companies.

Outsourcing allows companies to focus on their core competencies and leverage the expertise of specialized providers. It can lead to cost savings, enhanced efficiency, and improved service levels.

Offshoring vs Outsourcing for Operators in Oil and Gas

In the context of an operator in the oil and gas industry, offshoring might involve transferring drilling operations to another country to capitalize on lower operational costs or richer resource deposits. In contrast, outsourcing might involve hiring an external company to manage the operator’s IT infrastructure or carry out maintenance work on the drilling equipment.

It’s important to note that offshoring and outsourcing are not mutually exclusive; a company can offshore a process by outsourcing it to a provider in a different country – a strategy known as offshore outsourcing.

In conclusion, while offshoring and outsourcing can both be used to achieve cost reductions and operational efficiencies, they represent different strategies. Offshoring primarily involves geographical relocation of business processes or services, while outsourcing pertains to the delegation of certain operations to third-party specialists.

Valor is equipped to help oil and gas operators with all their outsourcing needs. To learn more about Valor’s operator outsourcing solutions, click here.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

What does a mineral management company do?

A mineral management company is a specialized company that manages mineral rights on behalf of the owners of those rights. They provide a broad range of services to help mineral owners protect and optimize their assets, which could include oil, gas, coal, precious metals, and other types of underground resources.

Here are some ways a mineral management company may support mineral owners:

  1. 1. Negotiation and Management of Leases: Mineral management companies are skilled in negotiating leases with oil and gas companies, ensuring that the terms are fair and in the best interests of the mineral owner. They’ll understand the complexities of lease agreements, including royalty rates, duration of lease, shut-in clauses, and many more.
  2. 2. Royalty Auditing: These companies often have the expertise to ensure that owners are being paid the correct amounts by conducting audits of royalty statements. They’ll verify the accuracy of the volumes, values, taxes, and deductions reported by the oil and gas companies.
  3. 3. Market Analysis: Mineral management companies can provide market analysis and projections for oil and gas prices, which can help mineral owners make informed decisions about leasing and production.
  4. 4. Asset Evaluation: They can also assist with the evaluation of the mineral rights, providing the owners with a realistic understanding of what the minerals are worth.
  5. 5. Production Monitoring: They can track production activity on the leased properties to ensure that operations are proceeding as agreed, and to make sure the owner is receiving the agreed-upon share of the production revenues.
  6. 6. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: These companies help mineral owners navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape related to mineral rights, including managing any environmental concerns or permits needed.
  7. 7. Record Keeping and Reporting: They also keep track of all documents and reports related to the mineral rights, which is important for financial, tax, and legal reasons.
  8. 8. Estate Planning and Succession: Mineral management companies can provide guidance on how to pass on mineral rights to future generations in the most efficient and beneficial way.
  9. 9. Mapping: Some companies many utilize software that allows them to track owner’s mineral interests, allowing them to become visual assets, consolidated in one place.

By providing these services, a mineral management company helps to reduce the complexities and challenges that come with owning mineral rights. They take care of the technical, legal, and administrative aspects, allowing the owners to fully benefit from their assets without needing to be experts in the industry themselves.

Valor’s team has decades of experience in mineral management and has created a proprietary mineral management technology, mineral.tech®, allowing mineral owners to both visualize and optimize their mineral assets. Contact us today to learn more.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

What does a mineral manager do?

A mineral manager is a professional who specializes in the management of mineral resources on behalf of mineral owners. Their primary role is to protect the interests of mineral owners and maximize the value of their mineral assets. Mineral owners can include individuals, corporations, or even government entities who own the mineral rights to a particular property or land.

Mineral managers support mineral owners in various ways:

  1. 1. Lease Negotiations: Mineral managers have extensive knowledge of lease agreements and negotiation tactics. They represent mineral owners during lease negotiations with mining companies or exploration companies. Their goal is to secure favorable terms and conditions that protect the rights and financial interests of the mineral owners. They ensure that the lease agreements cover aspects such as royalty rates, bonus payments, and protections for the environment.
  2. 2. Royalty Management: Once a mineral lease is in place, mineral managers oversee the collection and management of royalty payments. They ensure that mining companies accurately calculate and timely pay the royalties owed to the mineral owners. This involves diligent monitoring of production volumes, pricing, and any deductions or expenses that may impact the royalty payments.
  3. 3. Exploration and Development: Mineral managers assist mineral owners in making informed decisions about exploration and development activities on their property. They work closely with geologists, engineers, and other professionals to assess the geological potential and economic viability of mineral deposits. Mineral managers provide guidance on exploration strategies, permitting requirements, and environmental considerations to ensure responsible and profitable mineral development.
  4. 4. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Mineral managers navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape on behalf of mineral owners. They stay up-to-date with changing laws, regulations, and industry standards, ensuring that mineral owners remain compliant with all applicable requirements. This includes managing permits, licenses, environmental impact assessments, and any other legal obligations associated with mineral extraction.
  5. 5. Financial Reporting and Analysis: Mineral managers provide regular financial reporting and analysis to mineral owners. They keep track of production volumes, market prices, and other relevant financial metrics to evaluate the performance of mineral assets. This information helps mineral owners make informed decisions about their investments and assess the profitability of their mineral holdings.

In summary, mineral managers act as trusted advisors and advocates for mineral owners. They leverage their expertise in lease negotiations, royalty management, exploration, legal compliance, and financial analysis to support mineral owners in maximizing the value of their mineral assets and ensuring a fair and sustainable utilization of these resources.

Valor has extensive experience in mineral management and has several mineral managers on our team, all of whom are ready to support and optimize mineral assets. Contact us today to learn more.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.