Best practices and tips for managing your minerals from a different location.

How to Manage Your Minerals From Afar

Some people don’t live in the same place as their mineral assets. Here are best practices and tips for managing your minerals from a different location.

There are approximately 8-12 million mineral owners across the United States. Many of them not only live a distance from their assets, but have never even seen or set foot on the land where their minerals reside. So how exactly can they engage in confident, competent mineral asset management? For many, the answer lies in understanding what it means to own minerals from afar, as well as working with mineral management companies that can simplify the experience.

First, though, let’s examine some of the reasons people may not reside anywhere near their minerals. The most obvious way this can happen is through relocation. People move all the time for different reasons. They may therefore sever, or split, their surface property rights with the next buyer, but retain rights to whatever minerals exist within the land they sell.

Inheritance is another way that people become mineral owners. For example, you might live in California and inherit minerals in Texas. This happens frequently and can prompt a lot of stress on the part of the beneficiary who doesn’t know what to do next.

Finally, it’s important to note that some mineral buyers and investors actively seek out minerals regardless of location. They know that minerals are a worthy investment and care more about the geology and where drilling is hot at the moment.

Challenges When You’re Not Living Near Your Mineral Assets

It’s worth mentioning that even if you live in the same area as your minerals or are a surface owner of a property teeming with minerals, you can still have challenges. However, managing your minerals can get a bit stickier if you’re not close by. Perhaps one of the biggest concerns is staying up-to-date and compliant with local, state, and federal mineral rights laws and regulations.

Mineral rights laws and regulations can differ wildly from state to state. You could own the same type and amount of mineral in two states but wind up having vastly different considerations. For example, one jurisdiction may limit how many extraction operations are allowed in a particular region during a given timeframe. Another jurisdiction may have conservation-related statutes like Colorado, which establishes mine and well land-use rules.

All these legal guardrails can become confounding. However, they’re essential to know and follow. No mineral owner wants to run afoul of non-ownership or ownership-in-place theory interests. Still, it can be hard to know exactly what moves are allowable (and when they’re permissible, in some circumstances).

Another hindrance to being physically removed from your minerals is that you may misunderstand which land or assets you own. It’s hard to have a good feel for your minerals in the Permian Basin when you live in Chicago. This can be doubly confusing if you’re an inheritor since many places have complicated inheritor laws. Add this possibility to all the tax differences and you have a lot of room for error and frustration.

Valor’s Solution to Remote Minerals Management

The question remains: How can you effectively manage mineral assets and live elsewhere? At Valor, we’ve included several features and benefits into our service offerings that give remote mineral owners peace of mind.

1. Our team helps with everything, including leasing mineral rights.

The Valor team is composed of experts ready to handle all aspects of remote mineral ownership. These include in-house landmen, accounting professionals, land professionals, a Juris Doctor, and certified mineral managers. You can also tap into our collective knowledge to assist with common decisions, like leasing mineral rights.

When you lease to oil and gas companies, you want to get the best contract possible. We bring the expertise to advise you on obtaining strong terms; Valor maintains properties for years and currently manages minerals in 32 states. The better your lease, the more money you may make. And if you make money, we have developed automated processing for your 1099s to ensure their accuracy, too.

2. We offer a proprietary software tool. 

One of the biggest advantages Valor brings to the table is®, our proprietary mineral asset management software. This data-rich platform integrates accounting, land management, data analytics, and reporting for all of our clients.® provides digital document management and includes a GIS mapping platform, full integration with public oil and gas data, and customized reporting that analyzes revenue and well data for your accounting and decision-making needs. You can see all of your assets mapped out and any activity on bordering land, including nearby production, drilling, and permitting activity. You no longer miss things that are happening on your non-producing assets. 

With, you have 24/7 portfolio visibility from all angles, with access from anywhere in the world to everything you need to manage your minerals no matter where they’re located. 

3. We handle the regulations associated with mineral management and ownership.

One of the most common issues that mineral owners run into is dormant mineral filings. We’ve worked hard to recover more than half a million dollars in suspended funds for clients with our most requested option — helping owners navigate dormant laws and regulations.

The laws surrounding mineral rights, mineral leasing, and everything in between are different from state to state. While it’s possible to go to court if necessary, most mineral owners want to do everything they can to not pay avoidable legal fees. Our up-to-date understanding of mineral ownership rights and responsibilities provides reliable protection for the more than 8.4 million gross acres and 450,000 net royalty acres we manage on behalf of our clients.

Whether you’re living close to your mineral investments or you’ve never even seen the property, you can trust Valor. Get in touch with us to get started on managing your mineral assets more effectively today.

The information provided by Valor in this blog is for general informational purposes only, not to provide specific recommendations or legal or tax-related advice. The blog/website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

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